Digital Tower and TV Signage

Student Union Digital Tower Signage Request Form

*Please be advised that SU Marketing will not be attending to requests until the start of the fall semester, beginning August 21. Thank you for your understanding.

To submit a request for digital signage to be displayed around the Student Union, please complete the Request Form and follow all the instructions outlined within. For any questions or concerns please email Please give us up to two business days to respond to your inquiries.

Note: This must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the date you need the ad posted to ensure proper scheduling. Please be aware that your ad request may be declined if our ad space is fully booked or if it does not adhere to our signage requirements. If you need further assistance, you can email Please give us up to two business days to respond to your inquiries.

Our average building foot traffic is over 12,000 visits per day. Our towers display in high-traffic areas on all three floors of the Student Union!

The Student Union provides Registered Student Organizations, Student Government, SGA Agencies, University Departments, and Public Approved Vendors to display ads on the TV’s found across the Union. Digital Signage is a great way to advertise upcoming events to the many students passing through the Student Union every day.


Towers – 1080 x 1920 px in JPG or PNG format

Atrium TV- 1920 x 1080 px in JPG or PNG format

Videos – Maximum of 15 seconds long


Weekly Pricing:

Registered Student Organizations – Free

UCF Departments – $50/week

Public Client – $100/week

Atrium TV -$200/week